Bankruptcy, foreclosure. A lot more people than you think experience bad credit at one time or another in their lives. It can be difficult enough to pull yourself out of that hole, but when you don't have a reliable vehicle to get yourself to work, to pick up the kids, or to run basic errands, it can be almost impossible. Luckily, getting a vehicle from Fast Finance Auto Sales of Lansing is easy.
And it isn't just Fast Finance's goal to get you back on the road with their great selection of cars, trucks, and SUVs. They also want to help you rebuild your credit. What many businesses won't tell you is that its actually quite easy to get approved, provided you pay a huge down payment, sales tax, state fees, plate fees, etc. At Fast Finance many qualified buyers can back on the road, and rebuilding their credit for as little as 99 cents up front. And when you get the keys with PLPD you'll save money every month over expensive full coverage car insurance.
Fast Finance of Lansing has helped thousands from the Lansing, St Johns, Dewitt, Portland, Perry, Jackson, Charlotte, Battle Creek, Grand Ledge, and Eaton Rapids areas. So stop in and see how easy it is to Get Your Credit Rolling!®. Even with bad credit or no credit you'll see why Fast Finance says "IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
2013 FORD
2015 JEEP
2013 FORD
in Lansing. Apply here.
3121 S Cedar St Lansing, MI 48910 (map)
Mon: 9am-6pm
Tue: 9am-6pm
Wed: 9am-6pm
Thu: 9am-6pm
Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-3pm
Sun: Closed